Comdaq Metals Switzerland A.G.
Dammstrasse 19
CH-6031 Zug
The Comdaq Metals Group have launched 4 Physical Lithium Trading Platforms. Please click here to read the press release.
P2P trading anywhere, at any time, on any device.
Rh, Ru, Ir spot +7
Pt and Pd sponge swaps
BoE Au swaps
Data + Price Discovery
Unique traded data from 180+ members including bid, mid and offer since 2002 .
About Comdaq Metals Group.
Comdaq Metals Ltd has been providing P2P trading services in PGMs online since 2002. Set up by Neil Grover, the platform was one of the first of its kind to enter the physical metals market place for Rh, Ru, Ir and Pt & Pd Sponge.

Having evolved into a highly specialised market-place, providing liquidity and visiblity in the most illiquid of markets, Comdaq Metals offers ease of physical transactions for both buyers and sellers.

Comdaq Metals Switzerland A.G. is the operator and administrator of the Comdaq Metals Rhodium Benchmark (CMRB). A daily tradeable benchmark delivered by our custom-built electronic auction platform

Daily tradeable price benchmarking in key markets (Rh, Ru & Ir spots and Pd & Pt sponge swaps) and historical traded data are our key USP for clients. These provide valuable VAR and deviation transparency to companies exposed to market fluctuations.

For further information please get in touch.